
David D. Flowers received a B.A. in Religion from East Texas Baptist University (2005) and a M.T.S. in Biblical Studies from Houston Graduate School of Theology (2012), an ecumenical and evangelical seminary. 

David was in student ministry for 7 years within the SBC. He then taught Theology & Ethics, Christian History, and Latin at The Woodlands Christian Academy (North Houston) from 2008 to 2013.

During that time David planted a house church and helped with a new church campus start-up, before reentering full-time vocational ministry at the end of 2013. He has over 15 years of ministry experience in and outside the church, and has pastored churches in Texas and Virginia.

David is now the Senior Pastor of Grantham Church (BIC) in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. The Grantham Church is a historic Anabaptist congregation serving Messiah College and the surrounding community since 1909.

His general interests are in the following areas: New Testament, biblical theology, second temple Judaism, hermeneutics, church history, ecclesiology, Anabaptism, and what is known as the “deeper” Christian life.

His area of specialty and expertise is in New Testament theology, Christian ethics, the Gospels, and historical Jesus studies.

On top of teaching and preaching full-time, David blogs at The Centrality and Supremacy of Jesus Christ. Read about the purpose of his blog here.

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When he’s not pastoring, writing for his blog, or spending time with his family, David enjoys reading, baseball, going to the movies, hiking the trails, talking theology over coffee, and contemplating the mysteries of the universe.

David has currently published articles in Christian Ethics Today, the Wittenburg Door, Searching Together Magazine, and Mennonite World Review.

David has also had many articles posted online at ReKnew, Relevant Magazine, ChristianWeek, ChurchLeaders, Missio Alliance, and the blog of MWR.